Phone Number


Working Hours

8:00am - 8:00pm

About Presea shipping

Our procedures ensure compliance with all the requirements and it is the company’s policy to comply with applicable:-

International Rules, regulation and laws as govern by the IMO,ILO and other organization.
Rules and regulations of the flag state of vessel.
Local rules and regulations of the coastal state or port.
It is a mandatory condition of employment that an employee’s follow the appropriate procedures at all times. Any neglect of this condition will be treated with the utmost seriousness and can lead to disciplinary measures.

The development, training and awareness of our personal is a major factor in the understanding, implementation and maintenance of the system.

This policy has been defined by the senior management of PRESEA SHIPPING with the endorsement of the PRESEA and has been communicated, understood and implemented throughout the organization. As per the documented procedure in our quality manual which is to be produced in our company for the ISO QSM.


To provide a customers, either directly or through business parties and affiliated companies, ship services, surveys and crew management that are:-

  • Reliable
  • Cost effective and
  • Able to meet or execute customer requirements.

our company vısıon

To be an effective and efficient shipping company provides professional and quality services to the marine community the Government and other relevant flag states.